Message from the Chief

To Our Seawolf Community,
I want to thank you for selecting me to serve as your Chief of Police. I am truly committed to the success of Sonoma State University and its community.
The members of the Sonoma State Police Department are dedicated to serving the community through embracing an overarching guardian philosophy whereby we endeavor to be peacekeepers and caretakers, while enforcing the law when it is reasonable and prudent to keep the community safe.
We clearly understand and support the need for productive community partnerships; partnerships that are mutually beneficial, based on trust and communication, and form the basis of collaborative solutions that enhance comprehensive Community Oriented Policing, 21st Century Policing, and Transformational Policing efforts. We aspire to be a community resource that works towards providing education and training, reducing harm, and increasing opportunities for success.
We are eager to connect and create opportunities for dialogue -- including with those with divergent perspectives -- so that we may learn more about one another, embrace shared understanding, develop positive, supportive, and innovative strategies, and build a community focused on achieving the University’s mission. I commit myself and my department to thoughtful leadership, with a guiding principle of building effective community relationships.
We want you to be assured that we will continually invest in being a well-trained and well-equipped police department. We will encourage and comply with best practices, assessing our successes and shortcomings for improvement, and maintain our costs through efficiencies, with a focus on sustainability.
Additionally, we further commit ourselves to upholding the highest ethical standards. Sonoma State Police Department embodies the Seawolf Commitment. We will conduct ourselves with integrity, strive for excellence in all we do, respect the rights and dignity of others, and embrace the responsibility to conduct ourselves as ethical members of our campus community.
No matter what brings you to our beautiful campus, the Sonoma State Police Department is here to protect and enhance the safety and well-being of our community. We encourage each and every one of you to act in partnership with us to address community and quality of life issues, public safety, as well as increase the public’s understanding of law enforcement.
We would very much like to hear from you. Please send an email to, and tell us how we are doing.
On behalf of the members of the Sonoma State Police Department, we are very much honored to serve you!
Nader Oweis
Chief of Police
Sonoma State Police Department
(707) 664-4444